by Jay 

A Boy, a Butterfly, and the Truth About Struggle: A Lesson in Strength and Growth


One day, a little boy found a caterpillar and took it home to take care of it. 

Every day, he checked on it and made sure it had plenty of leaves to eat.

One day, the boy saw the caterpillar building a cocoon around itself. He was so excited to see it turn into a butterfly!

A couple of weeks later, the boy noticed a small hole in the cocoon. 

The butterfly was trying to push its way out. But it looked like it was struggling. The boy watched and started to worry.

"What if it can’t get out?" he thought.

Wanting to help, the boy carefully took scissors and cut the cocoon open to make the hole bigger. The butterfly came out easily!

But something was wrong. 

Its body was swollen and its wings were small and weak. The boy waited for it to fly—but it never did.

The butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling, unable to fly.

The boy didn’t know that the struggle to escape the cocoon is what makes a butterfly’s wings strong.

As it pushes its way out, fluid moves from its body into its wings.

Without this struggle, the butterfly’s wings never fully develop.


Struggles make us stronger. If we never face challenges, we won’t grow.

Just like the butterfly, we need struggles to become our best selves. 🦋✨

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