by Jay 

Know Your Worth: A Father’s Powerful Lesson for His Daughter


One day, a father said to his daughter,

“You graduated with honors!

As a gift, here is a car I bought years ago.

It’s old now, but before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and see how much they will offer for it.”

She went to the used car dealership and came back saying, “They offered me $1,000 because the car looks so old.”

Then, her father said, “Now, take it to a pawn shop.”

She did, and when she returned, she said, “They only offered me $100 because they said it’s too worn out.”

Finally, her father told her to take it to a car club and show it to car lovers.

When she came back, she was shocked.

“Dad! They offered me $100,000! They said it’s a rare classic and very valuable.”

The father smiled and said,

“I wanted you to learn something important. The right place will see your true value. 

If people don’t appreciate you, don’t be upset—just go where you are valued.”

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