Once upon a time, there was a group of frogs who were having a race to the top of a tall mountain.
All the frogs gathered around to watch, and the race began.
The frogs started climbing, but the crowd was very loud, shouting,
"It’s too steep! You’ll never make it! You’re too small!"
As the frogs continued their climb, many of them grew tired and discouraged.
One by one, they stopped and turned back. They thought it was impossible.
But one little frog kept climbing, step by step, determined to reach the top.
The crowd continued to yell, "You can’t do it! Just give up!"
Finally, the little frog reached the top.
The crowd cheered, amazed at how the small frog had succeeded where others had failed.
The other frogs asked him, "How did you keep going, even when we were all telling you to stop?"
The little frog smiled and said, "I couldn’t hear you. I’m deaf."
Since the deaf frog couldn’t hear the crowd, he stayed focused on his own journey.
This teaches us the importance of pursuing our goals without getting distracted or being influenced by other people's opinions. 🐸✨