The Donkey said to the Tiger, "The grass is blue."
The Tiger answered, "No, the grass is green."
They argued for a while and then decided to ask the Lion, the King of the jungle.
The Donkey shouted, "Your highness, is it true that the grass is blue?"
The Lion replied, "If you believe it is true, then it is true."
The Donkey continued, "The Tiger disagrees with me and bothers me. Please punish him."
The Lion declared, "The Tiger will be punished with five years of silence."
The Donkey happily left, while the Tiger accepted his punishment.
But before he went, the Tiger asked the Lion, "Why are you punishing me? The grass is green."
The Lion replied, "Yes, the grass is green."
The Tiger asked again, "Then why are you punishing me?"
The Lion answered,
"I am not punishing you because of the color of the grass.
I am punishing you because it is foolish for a brave, smart creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and then to bother me with this question."
Sometimes, it’s not about being right or wrong—it’s about choosing the right battles.
Arguing with someone who refuses to see reason is a waste of time and energy.
Focus on what matters, and don’t get caught up in meaningless disputes.