by Jay 

The Motivation Trap: Why Waiting to Feel Ready Holds You Back


We often think motivation is the key to starting.

But here's the truth:

Motivation is overrated. 

In fact, waiting for motivation might be the very thing holding you back from success.

The Problem with Motivation

Motivation is like a mood. It comes and goes.

Some days you feel fired up, ready to tackle your to-do list. Other days? Not so much.

If you rely on motivation to take action, you'll only make progress when you "feel like it."

This leads to inconsistent effort, unfinished projects, and frustration.

You might even start to believe, "Maybe I'm just not cut out for this," when the real issue is relying on fleeting inspiration.

The Secret: Action Comes First

Most people think motivation leads to action:

Feel motivated → Take action → Get results.

But that's backward. Action leads to motivation.

When you start doing the work—even when you don't feel like it—you create momentum.

Small wins build confidence. Progress fuels excitement.

And before you know it, motivation shows up after you've already begun.

How to Stop Chasing Motivation and Start Taking Action

  1. Lower the Barrier: Struggling to start? Set a small, easy goal. Write one sentence. Do five push-ups. Make one phone call. Starting is the hardest part.
  2. Create a Routine: Consistency breeds discipline. Set specific times for your tasks, and stick to them, whether you feel motivated or not.
  3. Focus on the Process: Instead of obsessing over the outcome, commit to the process. Show up, do the work, and let results follow.
  4. Embrace Discomfort: Understand that it's okay not to feel motivated. Growth often feels uncomfortable—lean into it.

Final Thoughts

If you've been waiting for motivation to strike, stop. You don't need it.

Start small. Take action. Build momentum.

Because motivation doesn't come first. Action does.

This post was inspired by Evy Poumpouras’s TED Talk, How to Succeed Without Confidence, Motivation, or Healing.

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