by Jay 

When Life Feels Hard, Do This One Simple Thing


Simon Sinek had a friend who was going through a really tough time.

She was running her own business, but things weren’t going well.

Her work was stressful, her marriage was struggling, and she felt like she was losing her confidence.

She called Simon because she needed someone to talk to.

So, every week, she’d come over, and they’d talk for about 90 minutes.

Simon would listen and give her advice.

After each talk, she’d feel better for a day or two.

But soon, she’d feel stuck again, and the cycle would repeat.

Then Simon had an idea.

What if she could help him instead?

He called her and said, “I need some advice too. Can I talk to you about what I’m going through?”

She agreed, and from then on, they spent their time talking about Simon’s problems.

She gave him advice, listened carefully, and helped him think things through.

Something surprising happened.

As she helped Simon, she started feeling better herself.

Her work improved. Her marriage got stronger. And her confidence grew.

Why did this happen?

Because when we help others, we see things more clearly.

It’s easier to notice solutions for someone else because we’re not as emotionally involved.

And in the process, we learn lessons that help us with our own problems.

Simon realized that helping others can be a powerful way to help ourselves.

When life feels hard, we often focus only on our struggles.

But sometimes, the best way to feel better is to support someone else.

If you’re feeling stuck, try helping other people.

You might find that in helping them, you help yourself too.

This post was inspired by Simon Sinek's video, Solve Problems Through Service.

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