by Jay 

6 Blind Men, an Elephant and the Truth About Understanding


Once upon a time, there were six blind men who had never encountered an elephant before.

One day, an elephant was brought to their village, and they were eager to learn what it was like.

Since they couldn’t see, each of them touched a different part of the elephant’s body to understand it.

The first blind man touched the trunk and said, “The elephant is like a huge snake!”

The second blind man felt the ear and said, “No, no! The elephant is like a large fan!”

The third blind man touched the leg and said, “You are both wrong! The elephant is like a tree trunk!”

The fourth blind man felt the side of the elephant and said, “The elephant is like a wall.”

The fifth blind man touched the tail and said, “The elephant is like a rope.”

The sixth blind man touched the tusk and said, “The elephant is like a sharp spear.”

Each blind man believed that the part of the elephant he touched was the whole elephant, and they argued with each other, each convinced they were right.

A wise person who saw the situation explained to them,

“You are all right in your own way. You each touched only part of the elephant, and that’s why you have different ideas. The elephant is much more than just the part you touched.”


The story shows that we all see things from our own point of view.

Like the blind men, we might not understand the whole picture and could easily get things wrong if we only think about what we know or have experienced. 🐘✨

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